Aug 15, 2023

How to Increase CSAT with Ioni

You have an idea and you turn it into a product or service. But despite all of its benefits and specifics, it will remain useless unless your audience will get its worth. That's why any startup is based on thorough market research that in some volume goes over all along with the product growth.

Along with collecting and responding to customer feedback, it's vital to understand how actually your users are satisfied with your product or to measure CSAT or Customer Satisfaction Score.

Why Measure CSAT

Every business aspect is like a brick that should be solid to ensure that it will stay steady. That's why after releasing a product, service or even a new feature, you shouldn't rely on assumptions. You should know how customers feel and what they actually think.

Your direct conversation with users shouldn't start when there's already a problem. Start building relationships with customer satisfaction surveys that will not only help you to improve and optimize your market offer but show that you value and adjust to your audience.

How to Measure CSAT

CSAT is a key metric when it comes to ensuring quality customer experience and keeping user retention on the proper level. Keep in mind, it should be tracked with a clear understanding of how it will be applied, how it can be adjusted, and where its place in your CX strategy.

Measuring customer satisfaction is based on analyzing feedback from short surveys (4-5 steps) that give you a glimpse of how, how often used, how enjoyable, etc. your service or product is. To calculate the metric you should offer an answer selection that you can easily match to numbers from 1 to 5. For example. bad - 1, good  - 3, excellent - 5.

After you got the results the formula is easy. Summarize the number of 4s and 5s and divide it by the total number of scores. And to get the percentage multiply by 100. Any result under 70 isn't that good but you should take into account that the exact minimal acceptable value differs depending on the industry and region your company serves in.

How to Improve CSAT with Ioni

Sure, it's better to act in advance to keep your CSAT score on high ranks, but sometimes it can't be done from the first attempt. So let's see what you can do and how Ioni can come in handy.

1. Know What They Want

Desires and needs are uncertain values that's why don't run customer experience surveys or gather feedback just for some metrics. Monitor trends and changes of opinions to make sure your product is up-to-date in a global sense. 

How Ioni can help? Our solution can help you to establish an engaging conversation with a customer based on one's previous inquiries.

2. Let Them Know How to Start

New users shouldn't guess how to apply your product or service. It's not just for improving CSAT. It's in your interest to ensure that it's used properly. That's why offer an engaging and clear onboarding to make the first steps to a trusting relationship with your customers.

This stage also covers documentation, audio, video or text tutorials, FAQs, helpful blog posts, etc. This is your chance to help your users to achieve the results they want and earn more appreciation and the reputation of a trusting advisor.

How Ioni can help? AI tool analyzes receiving customer inquiries and reveals knowledge gaps and problems to be solved.

3. Speak in The Same Language

Easy onboarding also involves communication in the scope of customer support. Users prefer to chat in their manner, in their favorite apps, and not wait long for their problem to be solved. That's why setting here a personalized omnichannel strategy is crucial.

Besides, you shouldn't always wait for issues to appear or CSAT survey to start a conversation. Without pushing you can offer assistance first - letting them know you care. This way you also show the way back - how they can reach out to you when they'll need.

How Ioni can help? Our app can be tuned in what style to answer 24/7 depending on the situation and chosen brand voice. It also provides quick search across all knowledge sources and provides helpful reply suggestions to agents.

4. Evolve with Your Users

There's always space to improve customer experience. Here's where you need to apply user feedback and gathered statistics. Regularly come up with updates, new features, and variations to meet the requirements of your audience.

During your product growth don't live your customers alone. Run trainings, online and offline webinars, or provide additional info (depending on the complexity) on the easy-to-access platforms to make sure users make the most of novelties.

How Ioni can help? Ioni app will equip your support team ensuring they can be helpful to your customers on issues concerning new features providing accurate responses fast from the recently updated knowledge base.

5. Get Any Feedback - It's Still Feedback

It means you shouldn't ignore negative comments because in their area is hidden your key to increase CSAT. Collect it, professionally process it and analyze it. Hide it or not you should act by politely responding to it with a clear solution or intention to improve. 

Don't let all the burden on your support team (besides, don't forget to regularly reward them for motivation). Build on-site communities or use Slack, Discord, or other chat apps to let them help each other and share helpful experiences.

How Ioni can help? Thanks to easy integration with popular helpdesks, knowledge management tools, and chats Ioni can help your agents resolve specific issues from angry customers without losing patience and ergo a brand's face.

6. Don't Lose Touch

The purchase point is where customer relationship literally management just begins. The complete product adoption isn't the end of your proactivity in communication with users. During the time you make history with them, that is the basis, in the better case, for engagement, retention, and recommendations.

That's why you should build this road brick by brick with time-to-time check-ins, helpful tips, offers, and, of course, feedback surveys to make improvements to the product justified and be able to complete the next step.

How Ioni can help? AI agent assist is helpful to run personalized conversations based on chat history and up-to-date knowledge bases without long reply delays.

7. Monitor and Compare CSAT

We've already discussed why and how you should track progress in customer satisfaction metrics. Make measurements regular and make changes to customer surveys to ensure that they correspond with your actual product stay.

To get actual numbers for your industry and region you can check scope surveys and reports provided by government, regulatory, or private associations and consultings. They can also be available on niche conferences and online market research platforms.

How Ioni can help? AI Ticket Classifier feature helps to access survey results easily thanks to auto-categorization and ticket labeling. 

To summarize, to meet customer expectations you should understand them. That's why you should give your audience possibilities and ways to provide you with feedback freely and on demand. Ioni will help.

But CSAT isn't a measure of just how often or well you communicate with customers but how successfully you adjust a product or service to their needs.