We've included lots of questions you may have, but if you want to know even more, just reach out!

Getting Started

What is ioni?

ioni is a ChatGPT4-based AI platform that automatically generates responses to customer support inquiries, using Knowledge Base as the main source.
ioni helps to improve your customer experience and increase the efficiency of customer support teams.

Our main idea is to help customer support agents to increase CSAT while reducing time on answering and improving the quality of replies.

What are the main features?

AI Chatbot Widget
The feature allows you to create, customize and personalize AI Chat Widget. You may set up Barding, CTA options and other settings. It can be easily integrated to your website or landing page by inserting pre-made custom code.

This feature shows all your chatbot's conversations with the customers and provides possibility to respond to those customers, who left the contact data. It also helps you to analyze the answers and see whether the chatbot provided the required information or you need to add or edit some data in your Knowledge Base.

Knowledge Base
This feature allows you to add, search and edit the data in your Knowledge Base. You may upload it by individual URL, HTML or Text options.

Collecting Leads
In case your chatbot can’t find the necessary information in your Knowledge Base, you may instruct it with a different CTAs. E.g., ask customer to leave name & email, ask customer to book a call with your team or anything else that is needed for your business.

We are working on many other ioni features, so stay tuned!

Is ioni an AI chatbot?

ioni - is a chatbot builder with many functions. It allows you to create personalized widget, customize it, and put it on your website or a landing page. It will automatically answer the question that your customers ask. You may track conversations, analyze them, and improve the answers.

How do I get started with ioni?

Feel free to Sign up and create your account. It will take around 2 minutes of your time. Then you may use all ioni's features.

What data does ioni use?

ioni uses the data that you provided us considering all data security policies and protecting your information. This data and information can include your company’s website content, knowledge base, various databases, information documents, and files in different formats, like HTML, XML, etc., or other relevant content.

How can I transfer my data and information to ioni?

You just need to Sign up, and use Knowledge Base page. It allows you to add, search and edit the data in your Knowledge Base. You may upload it by individual URL, HTML or Text options.

Technologies & Integrations

What is the main tech stack used in ioni?

ioni’s web application is developed using two programming languages: Javascript and Python. The front-end part is developed using ReactJS and Redux, while the back-end part is built using NodeJS. The main architecture database is hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

What kind of AI technologies is ioni leveraging?

ioni uses state-of-the-art large language model (LLM) developed by OpenAI - GPT-4. In technical terms, we employ embeddings for AI-powered search capabilities and prompt engineering for effective text manipulation.

How ioni is ensuring accuracy in the responses?

The accuracy of ioni’s responses is verified by real application users who ensure the quality of our AI-generated answers and may give feedback about it. In this way, ioni’s AI algorithm improves on an everyday basis.

Do you have an API?

We support CXM, ticketing system, database, and knowledge base integrations for now. We will guide you with the integration steps as soon as you are ready to proceed. Feel free to Contact Us.

Can I integrate my Helpdesk or CXM (Zendesk, Freshdesk, Intercom, etc.) with ioni?

Yes, we may do a manual custom integration with your current Helpdesk or CXM. We will need access to your API keys and ticket database in order to proceed with the integration. Feel free to Contact Us.

Can I upload various file formats like .pdf, .xls, and others for ioni to use?

We accept text, HTML and individual URL formats for now to improve and fulfill the knowledge or database. Our technical team is working on the possibility to upload more file formats in the nearest future.

Can ioni be integrated with 3rd party services, such as Email clients, Messengers, SMS services, Payment providers, etc.?

Our development team can manually integrate ioni to your 3rd party service in case it has relevant API and all necessary technical possibilities for such an integration.

Use Cases

What makes ioni different from other ChatGPT-based customer support helpers?

The main advantage making ioni different from our competitors is that we are not focusing on integration with specific customer experience management systems (CXMs).

Our key priority is the quality of the answers that ioni’s AI generates as we see that this becomes one of the biggest challenges for customer support teams.

What are the main advantages of using ioni for my business?

The main benefit of using ioni is to improve customer experience and increase customer satisfaction score (CSAT). It is gained by providing more accurate answers to incoming inquiries and reducing time on searching for specific information on your company’s website, knowledge base, or ticketing databases.

I have never tried any automation before because I am afraid of using AI while answering to the customers. How can I make sure that ioni’s answers will be acceptable to my clients?

We try to leverage the latest breakthroughs in AI which enable a true understanding of your users. We can’t guarantee that ioni’s generated answer will be 100% equal to real human ones but are improving our algorithms from day to day.

Do you take any responsibility if the generated answer is not correct or not as expected?

We do everything possible to make ioni generate answers with top-level accuracy. At the same time, the quality of answers depends on the fullness of provided knowledge or databases as ioni algorithms generate replies based on these data.

Are there any limitations to the output or response length of ioni?

We do not have such limitations for now. The AI generates the length of the reply depending on the complexity of the certain answer and analyzing the request from the customer. In case you are not satisfied with the reply, you may re-generate the response.

How many languages do you support?

We currently support the English language but we are in the process of building a multilingual system with more than 80 languages.

Start your AI journey with us!